CSC 121: Computers and Scientific Thinking
Course Overview            Spring 2006

Key Ideas

  Computing and science are connected:
      scientists utilize computers as tools for conducting research
        computer-based models and a computational approach are increasingly used
      computer science is a rigorous field of study regarding "artificial" systems
        utilizes the scientific method and experimentation
      new scientific fields such as bioinformatics and neuroscience blur the lines

  Programming is a tool for:
      solving problems

  Computer science is more than just programming:
      problem solving
      design & analysis of algorithms
      hardware design and manufacturing
      interface design and implementation
      theoretical understanding of computation

Skills Developed

  Problem-solving skills
  Analytical/Empirical reasoning skills
  Communication skills
  Web page development

Programming Concepts
  variables & assignments
  data types & expressions
  functions & libraries
  conditional execution (if statements)
  counters & sums
  user interfaces (textual vs. graphical interface)
  control vs. event-driven programming

General Concepts

  Computer basics
      von Neumann architecture, hardware vs. software
  History of science & computers
      scientific method, generations (relays, vacuum tubes, transistors, IC, VLSI)
  Internet & the Web
      internet & Web histories, TCP/IP, HTTP
  Algorithms & programming
      algorithms, efficiency, high-level languages, compilers & interpreters
  Computer Science as a Discipline
      CS as science?, central themes (software, hardware, theory), subfields of CS
  Applications in science
      biology/bioinformatics: computer tools, modeling, biological databases
      atmospheric science: chaotic systems, weather modeling
      artificial intelligence: neural networks, genetic algorithms
  Data Representation
      digital vs. analog, binary numbers, ASCII code, sound & image formats
  Computers & Society
      positive impact, potential dangers