CSC 222: Object-Oriented Programming
Spring 2017

HW 5: Objects and Data Structures

One of the first computer games in the 1970's was an adventure game called "Hunt the Wumpus." For this assignment, you will implement a slightly less violent version of this map-based game. In this version, you explore a maze of caves, hunting the dreaded wumpus (or possible more than one wumpi). When you enter a cave that is adjacent to a wumpus, you will smell its stench. Warned by your nose, you can then throw a stun grenade into an adjacent cave to try to knock out and capture the wumpus. Unfortunately, the sound of the explosion will alert any nearby wumpi and set them in motion. The object of the game is to capture all of the wumpi before you run out of grenades (and without getting mauled). In addition to wumpi, there is a bottomless pit and giant bats to avoid. Below is a sample execution of the game.

HUNT THE WUMPUS: Your mission is to explore the maze of caves and capture all of the wumpi (without getting yourself mauled). To move to an adjacent cave, enter 'M' and the tunnel number. To toss a stun grenade into a cave, enter 'T' and the tunnel number. You are currently in The Fountainhead (1) unknown (2) unknown (3) unknown What do you want to do? m 2 Moving down tunnel 2... You are currently in The Silver Mirror (1) The Fountainhead (2) unknown (3) unknown What do you want to do? m 3 Moving down tunnel 2... You are currently in Shelob's Lair (1) The Silver Mirror (2) unknown (3) unknown You smell an awful stench coming from somewhere nearby. What do you want to do? t 2 Tossing stun grenade down tunnel 2... Missed, dagnabit! A startled wumpus charges into your cave... CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP GAME OVER

You have been given the following classes to represent the maze structure and implement the logic of the game:,, and caves.txt. In addition, the javadoc page for is provided.

In addition, you have been given two different interface clases: is a simple, terminal based interface, while is a graphical user interface that uses buttons and a text area. Your modified classes should work with either of these interfaces.

Part 1: Cave

You are to implement the Cave class, which models a single cave in the maze. Each cave has a name and a number associated with it, and is connected to three other caves through tunnels. By default, a cave is empty (using the enumerated type value CaveContents.EMPTY) but it can be assigned to contain a wumpus (CaveContents.WUMPUS), a swarm of bats (CaveContents.BATS), or a bottomless pit (CaveContents.PIT). In addition, a cave is initially unvisited, but it can be marked as visited. The getName method should return the name of the class if it has been visited, otherwise "unknown".

Be sure to test your Cave class thoroughly.

Part 2: CaveMaze

An incomplete implementation of the CaveMaze class is provided. Currently, it reads in the cave data file (caves.txt) and allows the player to move around the maze. You are to complete the functionality of the game by making the following additions.

For extra credit, be creative and add additional features to the game. You may also change the scenario if you wish, but be sure to keep the basic functionality described here.