CSC 222: Object-Oriented Programming
Test 1 Review

Wed, Feb 22
  • The test will include extra points (Mistakes Happen!), e.g., 52 or 53 points, but graded on a scale of 50.

Types of questions
  • factual knowledge: TRUE/FALSE, multiple choice
  • conceptual understanding: short answer, discussion
  • synthesis and application: explain/debug code, trace/modify code
  • Click here for Sample Questions
Study advice
  • review online lecture notes
  • review the text book (if not mentioned in class, won't be on test)
  • look over quizzes, homework assignments
  • reference other sources for examples, different perspectives
  • practice solving problems on
Course material Object-oriented design goals abstraction: ignore details to focus attention on higher level of problem object-focused: identify the objects in the real-world system & model each with a class modularization: design each class/method to be well-defined & self-contained, so that they can be built/examined separately & reused easily Java classes using classes loading a BlueJ project, creating an object, inspecting an object's state calling a method, parameters, return values defining/examining classes fields: maintain the state of an object access in methods using this. prefix almost always declared private to ensure integrity can be static (shared by class) and/or final (unchangeable) constructor(s): initialize the fields for a newly created object must be public, same name as class, no return trype can be more than one if want to initialize different ways methods: implement the behaviors of the method accessor method returns a field value; mutator method changes field(s) can define local variables for temporary values must specify return type (void if no return) usually public, but helper methods can be hidden by making private can be static, called directly on class without creating object comments (/** ... */ or // ..) are for documentation Java statements assignment statements data types (String, int, double, char, boolean) variables, expressions (+, -, *, *, %) arithmetic assignments: +=, -=, *=, /=, ++, -- primitive types vs. object types (using new) variable scope (field = entire class; parameter/local = that method only) output statements System.out.print, System.out.println return statements must be at least one in any non-void method conditional statements 1-way: if; 2-way: if-else; multi-way: cascading if-else comparison operators: ==, !=, <, >, <=, >= (danger: = vs. ==) logical connectives: && (AND), || (OR), ! (NOT) repetition statements while: conditional repetition for: counter-driven repetition (shorthand version of while loop) for-each: for traversing a list (shorthand version of for loop) method calls internal call: this.METHOD(PARAMETERS) external call: OBJECT.METHOD(PARAMETERS) Java library classes String implicit call to new when assigning, immutable methods: length, charAt, contains, indexOf, substring, toUpperCase, toLowerCase, equals, compareTo, ... Character static methods: toUpperCase, toLowerCase, isLetter, isUpperCase, isLowerCase, ... Integer static method: parseInt Random methods: nextInt, nextDouble, ... ArrayList generic, must specify the type of object stored wrapper classes (Integer, Double, ...) allow for storing primitives methods: add, get, size, remove, contains, set, indexOf, toString, ... traversal using for loop vs. for-each loop underlying array implementation Input/Output Scanner class used to read from keyboard ( or a file (File object) methods: hasNext, next, hasNextLine, nextLine, hasNextInt, nextInt, close, ... FileWriter class used to write to a file methods: write, close