CSC 321: Data Structure
Fall 2015

HW3: Algorithm Analysis


Part 1: Theoretical Analysis

Suppose you are given a list of clock times and want to determine if all of the clock times are within 30 minutes of each other. For example, the clock times in [12:50am, 12:45am, 1:15pm] are within 30 minutes of each other, but the clock times in [12:50am, 12:45am 1:15pm, 1:30pm] are not. Assume you can calculate the difference between two clock times in constant time. Below are three different algorithms that attempt to determine whether all of the clock times in a list are within 30 minutes of each other.

For each algorithm, answer the following questions:

  1. Compare the first clock time in the list with every clock time later in the list.
    1. If the difference is ever > 30 minutes, then return FALSE.
  2. Repeat step 1 for each clock time in succession (i.e., the 2nd, 3rd, ...), ,
    comparing each with all clock times that appear later in the list.
  3. If no comparison finds clock times differing by > 30 minutes, return TRUE.

* * * * *


  1. Find the earliest time as follows:
    1. Let earliestTime = the first time in the list.
    2. Traverse the list, comparing each time with earliestTime.
    3. If you encounter a time that is earlier than earliestTime, then update earliestTime to be that time.
  2. Similarly, find the latest time as follows:
    1. Let latestTime = the first time in the list.
    2. Traverse the list, comparing each time with latestTime.
    3. If you encounter a time that is later than latestTime, then update latestTime to be that time.
  3. Compare earliestTime and latestTime.
    1. If they are within 30 minutes, return TRUE.
    2. Otherwise, return FALSE.

* * * * *


  1. Sort the list of clock times into ascending order (earliest to latest) using merge sort.
  2. Compare the first and last clock times in the list.
    1. If they are within 30 minutes, return TRUE.
    2. Otherwise, return FALSE.


Part 2: Experimental Analysis

For the second part of this assignment, you will develop and use a program to experimentally measure the performance of various sorting algorithms. You are given the following three files:
This class contains static methods (insertionSort, selectionSort, mergeSort and quickSort) for sorting an ArrayList of comparable items.
This class provides a simple (and simplistic) way of measuring execution time. Note that the elapsed time reported by this class is clock time, which is affected by many factors other than code execution (e.g., background jobs, garbage collection). To try to minimize these factors when using a StopWatch, you will want to limit background jobs and also perform multiple timings to identify and disregard outliers.
This driver class controls a GUI in which the user can select among the different sorting algorithms and specify the size of the list to be sorted. At the click of a button, a sort is conducted and the elapsed time is displayed.

You are to complete the project by implementing a class named SortTimer. This class should contain a single static method named time, that has two parameters: a String specifying the algorithm to be timed (either "insertionSort", "selectionSort", "mergeSort" or "quickSort") and an integer specifying the size of the list to be sorted. This method should create a randomized list of the specified size and return the time it takes to perform the sort (as determined by a StopWatch). Hint: to construct a randomized list of size N (without duplicates), first place the numbers 1 through N in the list, and then use Collections.shuffle to randomize it.

Once you have completed your class, conduct experiments to answer the following questions.