CSC 321: Data Structures
Spring 2024

Final Review

Tue, May 7
  • The test will be in-person, via Blueline.
  • It is closed notes, closed books, closed neighbors, ...
  • You must bring a laptop to class (or use one of the lab machines).
  • It will be graded out of 100 points, but there will be 105 points available. So, you can miss 5 points and still be perfect!
Format same as midterm
  • factual knowledge: TRUE/FALSE, multiple choice
  • conceptual understanding: short answer, discussion
  • synthesis and application: explain/trace/modify code, evaluate the efficiency of a code segment, ...
Study advice
  • review online lecture notes
  • review the online texts (if not mentioned in class, won't be on test)
  • look over quizzes, homework assignments, midterm exam
  • reference other sources for examples, different perspectives
Course material
Data Structures
  Java review, arrays, generics, iterators
    inheritance, interfaces, polymorphism
    List interface: ArrayList, LinkedList
    Set Interface: TreeSet, HashSet
    Map interface: TreeMap, HashMap
    Stack class, Queue interface, PriorityQueue class
    Graph interface: DiGraphList, DiGraphMatrix, GraphList, GraphMatrix
  low-level structures
    linked lists: singly vs. doubly, dummy nodes, iterators
    trees: hierarchical, recursive processing, binary search trees,
           heaps, heap sort, array implementation
    graphs: adjacency matrix vs. list
    hash tables: hash functions, load factor, rehashing
      collisions, clustering, probing vs. chaining
Math Structures
  functions & sets
    bijections, mappings, sequences, sets & subsets 
  linear structures
    lists, sets, maps
  nonlinear structures
    trees: root, leaf, child, path, height, weight, ...
      binary search trees, self-balancing trees (red-black, AVL), heaps
    graphs: vertex, edge, adjacent, incident, degree, path, ...
      simple vs. directed, weighted vs. unweighted
      depth first search, breadth first search, finite state machines
  counting techniques
    bijection rule, product rule, sum rule, division rule,
    generalized product rule, n choose k, inclusion/exclusion rule,
    pigeonhole principle
  proof techniques
    direct proof, proof by contradiction, proof by induction
Algorithm Analysis
  algorithm analysis
    best vs. average vs. worst case analysis
    big-Oh notation, rate-of-growth analysis, big-Omega & big-Theta
    searching and sorting
      standard algorithm analysis, specialized sorting algorithms
    recursive algorithms, recurrence relations
  1. java review & design (credit card verification)
  2. queues & efficiency (ArrayQueue vs. LinkedList)
  3. lists & linked structures (ComboList)
  4. proofs & counting (induction proofs, counting)
  5. lists, trees & tries (Trie, memory/access comparisons)
  6. treesets & text processing (WordSet)
  7. maps & finite state machines (FSM, PathTracer, pathFinder)