CSC 533: Organization of Programming Languages
Spring 2008

HW6: More Scheme Programming

Place all of the function definitions for this assignment in a single file named hw6.scm. Be sure to comment each function as to its behavior.

PART 1: Association Lists

In biology, the four bases that make up messenger RNA (mRNA) are adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and uracil (U). Within a cell, an mRNA sequence is processed by a ribosome and translated into amino acids. Each grouping of 3 bases is known as a codon, and is translated to a particular amino acid. For example, the codon GCU translates to Alanine. The following Scheme association list maps each codon (represented by a triplet of base symbols) to the abbreviation for the corresponding amino acid. (define ACIDS '( ((U U U) F) ((U U C) F) ((U U A) L) ((U U G) L) ((U C U) S) ((U C C) S) ((U C A) S) ((U C G) S) ((U A U) Y) ((U A C) Y) ((U A A) *) ((U A G) *) ((U G U) C) ((U G C) C) ((U G A) *) ((U G G) W) ((C U U) L) ((C U C) L) ((C U A) L) ((C U G) L) ((C C U) P) ((C C C) P) ((C C A) P) ((C C G) P) ((C A U) H) ((C A C) H) ((C A A) Q) ((C A G) Q) ((C G U) R) ((C G C) R) ((C G A) R) ((C G G) R) ((A U U) I) ((A U C) I) ((A U A) I) ((A U G) M) ((A C U) T) ((A C C) T) ((A C A) T) ((A C G) T) ((A A U) N) ((A A C) N) ((A A A) K) ((A A G) K) ((A G U) S) ((A G C) S) ((A G A) R) ((A G G) R) ((G U U) V) ((G U C) V) ((G U A) V) ((G U G) V) ((G C U) A) ((G C C) A) ((G C A) A) ((G C G) A) ((G A U) N) ((G A C) N) ((G A A) E) ((G A G) E) ((G G U) G) ((G G C) G) ((G G A) G) ((G G G) G) ))
  1. Define a function named translate that takes one input, a list representing a codon, and returns the abbreviation for the corresponding amino acid. For example, (translate '(G G A)) should evaluate to G.

  2. Define a function named translate-sequence that takes one input, an arbitrarly long sequence of bases, and returns the corresponding list of amino acid abbreviations. That is, the first symbol in the returned list should be the amino acid corresponding to the first three bases, the second symbol should be the amino acid corresponding to the next three bases, etc. If the length of the sequence is not a multiple of three, any trailing bases should be ignored. For example, (translate-sequence '(G G A U U C A C C C)) should evaluate to (G F T).

  3. When scientists extract mRNA samples from a cell, they invariably obtain partial sequences. Since the start of the sequence may be unknown, it is unclear exactly how the codons will be grouped in an actual translation. For example, in the sequence GGAUUCACCC the codons could be grouped starting at the beginning (yielding codons GGA UUC ACC), at the second base (yielding codons GAU UCA CCC), or at the third base (yielding codons AUU CAC). In addition, it is possible that the sequence has been read backwards, so the actual sequence to be translated should be CCCACUUAGG.

    Define a function named translate-all-possible that takes one input, an arbitrarly long sequence of bases, and returns a list containing all six possible translations of that sequence. Any extra bases at the beginning or end of the sequence should be ignored in the translation. For example, (translate-all-possible '(G G A U U C A C C C)) should evaluate to ((G F T) (N S P) (I H) (P T *) (P L R) (H L)).

PART 2: Structured Lists

In class, we discussed how structured lists could be used to represent binary trees. For example, the following binary tree is represented by the list to the right:
(define TREE1 '(dog (bird (aardvark () ()) (cat () ())) (possum (frog () ()) (wolf () ()))))

Several utility functions (empty?, root, left-subtree, and right-subtree) were provided for you. Building upon these, define the following Scheme functions that manipulate binary trees.

  1. Define a function named num-nodes that takes one input, a list representing a binary tree, and returns the number of values stored in that tree. For example, given the TREE1 structure above, (num-nodes TREE1) should evaluate to 7.

  2. Define a function named leftmost that takes one input, a list representing a binary tree, and returns the value that is stored leftmost in the tree. For example, given the TREE1 structure above, (leftmost TREE1) should evaluate to aardvark. Note: you may not assume that the input is a binary search tree, so the leftmost value may not be the smallest value in the tree.

  3. Similarly, define a function named rightmost that takes one input, a list representing a binary tree, and returns the value that is stored rightmost in the tree. For example, given the TREE1 structure above, (rightmost TREE1) should evaluate to wolf. Note: you may not assume that the input is a binary search tree, so the righmost value may not be the largest value in the tree.

  4. Define a function named contains? that takes two inputs, a list representing a binary tree and a value, and returns #t if the list contains the value (otherwise #f). For example, given the TREE1 structure above, (contains? TREE1 'emu) should evaluate to #f while (contains? TREE1 'frog) should evaluate to #t. Note: you may not assume that the input is a binary search tree, so the contains-bst? function from the lectures will not suffice here.

  5. Define a function named dupes? that takes one input, a list representing a binary tree, and returns #t if the list contains any duplicate values (otherwise #f). For example, given the TREE1 structure above, (dupes? TREE1) should evaluate to #f.