11:00-12:15 MW 110 Eppley |
Dr. David
203D Hitchcock x2583 DaveReed@creighton.edu |
Official Text: Concepts of Programming Languages (11th
Sebesta, Addison-Wesley, 2016.
Alternative Option: The 10th edition is available for free online, and can be used as an alternative to buying the latest version.
This course is concerned with the concepts and practice of programming languages. The first part of the course will focus on general programming language concepts such as binding, type checking, and memory management. The implementation of these concepts in different languages will be examined, with special attention paid to Java and C/C++. The second part of the course will focus on different programming paradigms: procedural, object-oriented, and functional programming. Java, C++, and JavaScript will be studied as hybrid languages, combining both procedural and object-oriented features with varying design goals. Scheme will be studied as an example of a completely different programming paradigm, one which focuses on functional composition as opposed to state transformation or object interaction. In addition, groups of 2-3 students will each research and present an overview of a modern scripting language (e.g., perl, php, python, ruby, R, scala).
The specific goals of this course are:
There will be 4-6 homework assignments, most of which will involve programming. Assignments will be submitted electronically via the class BlueLine site and will be due at midnight on the date specified. Late assignments will receive 75% of full credit if they are handed in within one week of the specified due date. After one week, no credit will be given. The group project will involve researching a modern scripting language and giving a 30-minute presentation on that language to the class. In addition, there will be 6-8 module quizzes (with the lowest quiz grade dropped), a midterm exam and a cumulative final exam. Grades will be determined as follows:
homework assignments | 35 % |
group project/presentation | 10 % |
module quizzes | 05 % |
midterm exam | 20 % |
(cumulative) final exam | 30 % |
At the minimum, departmental grading cutoffs for the final average will apply. That is, 92-100% guarantees an A, 87-91% a B+, 82-86% a B, 77-81% a C+, 71-76% a C, and 60-70% a D. Depending on class performance, some shifting of grades (in an upward direction only) may occur as final letter grades are assigned.
Regular attendance is expected of all students. If you must miss class for a legitimate reason, it is your responsibility to make up missed work. Quizzes and Assignments will not be rescheduled except in extreme circumstances. It is expected that all students check their Creighton email accounts regularly. Official announcements, such as assignment revisions or class cancellations, will be distributed through Creighton email.
Creighton's policy on cheating and plagiarism is spelled out in the the Student Handbook, with college procedures available online. In addition to this, the following guidelines hold pertaining to programs. Programs are to be the sole work of the student -- collaboration on the design or coding of a program is not allowed. Questions regarding homework assignments should be directed at the instructor only. Students may seek debugging assistance or clarifications on assignments via the class mailing list (accessible via BlueLine). Repeat: All student interactions regarding homework assignments must take place via email to the entire class!
Violations of this policy will be dealt with severely, with possible outcomes including failure in the course. In the case of programming assignments, you are encouraged to start early so that there is time to seek help from the instructor as the need arises.
Jan 10 | Introduction, overview. (pptx/pdf) | Ch 1 | |
15 17 |
Background & syntax: (pptx/pdf) history, paradigms, BNF, EBNF. |
Ch 2, 3 |
HW1: due 1/29 |
22 24 |
snow day Variables & bindings: (pptx/pdf) |
Ch 5 |
29 31 |
static vs. dynamic bindings, stack vs. heap, scope & lifetime. |
Feb 5 7 |
Data types: (pptx/pdf) SILLY, primitives, pointers, memory management, | Ch 6 |
HW2: due 2/21 |
12 14 |
garbage collection, partition & copy, mark & sweep. Data & control. (pptx/pdf) |
Ch 7-8 |
19 21 |
Subprograms: (pptx/pdf) subprogram linkage, parameters, |
Ch 9 Ch 10 |
HW3: due 3/18 |
26 28 |
local scope, run-time stack, review. MIDTERM EXAM |
Mar 5 7 |
12 14 |
midterm & HW review Language evolution & OO: (pptx/pdf) |
Ch 11-12 |
Presentation |
19 21 |
C --> C++ --> Java. Functional programming: (pptx/pdf) |
Ch 15 |
26 28 |
Scheme, atoms & lists, conditionals, recursion, tail recursion optimization, |
checkpoint 1 |
Apr 2 4 |
EASTER MONDAY - NO CLASS higher-order functions, map & apply. |
HW4: due 4/13 |
9 11 |
Scheme structures: (pptx/pdf) association lists, trees, closures, OO in Scheme. |
HW5: due 4/26 checkpoint 2 |
16 18 |
Concurrency. (pptx/pdf) semaphores, monitors, Java threads. |
Ch 13 |
checkpoint 3 |
23 25 |
Presentations: Erlang, OCaml, Go, Rust, Kotlin course review |
May 4 | FINAL EXAM (Friday, 8:00 - 9:40) |