CSC 551: Web Programming
Spring 2003

Test 2 Review

TEST 1 MATERIAL Client-side Programming with JavaScript event-driven programs serial vs. event-driven execution HTML forms: button, text box properties: e.g., name, type, value methods: e.g., blur() event handlers: e.g., onfocus, onchange, onclick, ... techniques: form validation, output to window/frame, timeouts, cookies Client-side Programming with Java design goals platform independence, portable, secure, simple, object-oriented, ... source code compiled into Java byte code, then interpreted language constructs basic syntax similar to C++, but simpler & more robust class vs. instance variables/methods, primitive vs. reference types no explicit pointers, automatic garbage collection extensive library support: String, Array, Vector, Stack, HashTable, ... no templates, but can store arbitrary Objects via inheritance, wrappers Java applets inherit from Applet class, default methods include init, paint, ... APPLET & OBJECT tags, applet parameters & dimensions Graphics object, methods (drawRect, drawString, ...), double buffering GUI elements, applet layout, event handling JavaBeans: reusable, packaged components Java Archive (JAR) files: multiple Java files/classes zipped together Integrating JavaScript & Java calling Java routines from JavaScript: possible using Netscape calling applet methods from JavaScript: document.APPLET_NAME.METHOD_CALL(...) accessing HTML/JavaScript from an applet: more complex, use JSObject class extract window object, document object, form object, field object, ...