
The following errors have already been noted in the first printing of the book:

CHAPTER 2, page 20, Figure 2.1, line 2:
the line should end with "-->" instead of "->"
CHAPTER 2, page 22, Figure 2.3, line 2:
the line should end with "-->" instead of "->"
CHAPTER 2, page 24, Figure 2.5, lines 2 and 3:
both of these lines should start with "<--" instead of "<-"
CHAPTER 2, page 26, Figure 2.7, lines 2 and 3:
both of these lines should start with "<--" instead of "<-"
CHAPTER 2, page 33, Figure 2.17, line 2:
the line should start with "<--" instead of "<-"
CHAPTER 2, page 34, Figure 2.19, lines 2 and 3:
both of these lines should end with "-->" instead of "->"

CHAPTER 3, page 45, next to last paragraph, first line:
"As we have mentioned, the Internet was novel" should be "As we have mentioned, the ARPANet was novel"
CHAPTER 3, page 47, last paragraph, last line:
"he or she can acknowledge" should be "software on his or her computer can acknowledge"

CHAPTER 5, page 79, Figure 5.1:
the label on the last box should be "y" instead of "x"
CHAPTER 5, page 80, Exercise 5.1, last line:
there are missing u's in the statement - it should read: document.write("num2 = " + num2 + "<br />");
CHAPTER 5, page 80, Exercise 5.2, last line:
there are missing u's and the q's are cut off on the bottom- it should read: document.write("q = " + q + "<br />");
CHAPTER 5, page 81, Exercise 5.2, last line:
the q's are cut off on the bottom- it should read: document.write("q = " + q + " t = " + t + "<br />");
CHAPTER 5, page 81, first bullet point, last line:
"(X * 10Y)" should be "(X * 10Y)"

CHAPTER 6, page 110, last paragraph, 1st line:
"VSLI" should be "VLSI"
CHAPTER 6, page 113, 2nd paragraph, 2nd line:
"VSLI" should be "VLSI"

CHAPTER 9, page 165, lines 16, 17, and 24 of code listing:
"AreaForm" should be "NameForm" in all three of these lines
CHAPTER 9, page 171, Figure 9.15, lines 2 and 3:
both of these lines should start with "<--" instead of "<-"

CHAPTER 10, page 188, Figure 10.13
text in the figure is truncated on the right

CHAPTER 11, p 201, Figure 11.5, line 1 of the code
the word "temp" should be "temperature": if (temperature <= 50) {
CHAPTER 11, p 203, line 23 of the code
missing quote at the beginning of the line: "";

CHAPTER 12, page 218, last paragraph, last line:
"(1.23456 x 103)" should be "(1.23456 x 103)"
CHAPTER 12, page 219, paragraph 2, line 6:
"1234x56" should be "1234.56"
CHAPTER 12, page 219, paragraph 2, line 7:
"-5.0 x 101" should be "-5.0 x 101"
CHAPTER 12, page 219, paragraph 2, line 8:
"9.9 x 10-4" should be "9.9 x 10-4"
CHAPTER 12, page 219, paragraph 3, lines 6-7 :
"-1.75494351 x 10-38 to 3.402823466 x 1038" should be "-3.402823467 x 1038 to 3.402823467 x 1038"
CHAPTER 12, page 219, paragraph 3, lines 9-10 :
"- 2.2250738585072014 x 10-308 to 1.7976931348623158 x 10308" should be "-1.79769313 x 10308 to 1.79769313 x 10308 "

CHAPTER 17, page 309, Figure 17.6, line 7:
There is an unwanted backslash in this line of code -- "phrase.split(/\[ \t\n]/)" should be "phrase.split(/[ \t\n]/)"

CHAPTER 18, page 336, first word of last line:
"million" should be "billion"

APPENDIX C, page 357, first entry under Programming and Event Handling:
missing quote after the word javascript: <script type="text/javascript"> . . . </script>