David Reed Professor and Chair Department of Computer Science, Design & Journalism Creighton University Omaha, NE 68178 Office: Hitchcock 209A Phone: (402) 280-2583 Email: DaveReed@creighton.edu Zoom: https://creighton.zoom.us/my/davereed |
| Countdown to Spring Break: |
The third edition of my CS0 book, A Balanced Introduction to Computer Science, was published in 2010 by Prentice Hall. | From 2009 to 2018, I served on the Board of Directors of the Computer Science Teacher's Association, which supports and promotes K-12 CS education. | From 2010 to 2014, I served on the ACM/IEEE Computing Curriculum: CS 2013 Steering Committee, which developed international curricular guidelines for CS programs. | From 2004 to 2008, I served as the Chief Reader for AP® Computer Science, in charge of grading ~20,000 exams each year. |
Courses Taught at Creighton University | |
107: Computing and the Web
F03 |
S03 |
F02 |
S02 |
F01 |
121: Computers & Scientific Thinking [ F24 | F23 | S23 | S22 | F21 | S21 | F20 | S20 | F19 | F16 | S16 | F12 | S12 | F11 | S11 | F10 | F09 | F08 | F07 | S07 | S06 | F05 ] 221: Introduction to Programming [ F23 | F18 | F13 | F12 | F11 | S10 | F09 | S08 | F06 | F05 | F04 | F01 ] 222: Object-Oriented Programming [ F17 | S17 | F15 | S13 | S12 | S05 | S04 ] 321: Data Structures [ S24 | F18 | F17 | F16 | F15 | F13 | F12 ] 421: Algorithm Design and Analysis [ F24 | S19 | S18 | S17 | S16 | S15 | S14 | S13 ] |
427: Data Structures & Algorithm Analysis
F11 |
F10 |
F08 |
F07 |
F06 |
533: Programming Languages [ S24 | S23 | S22 | S21 | S20 | S19 | S18 | S17 | S16 | S15 | S14 | S12 | S10 | S08 | S07 | S05 | F03 | F02 | S01 | F00 ] 539: Operating Systems [ S06 | S05 | F03 | F02 ] 546: Client/Server Fundamentals [ F00 ] 550: Intro to Artificial Intelligence [ F08 | F04 | S04 | S03 | S02 ] 551: Web Programming [ S04 | S03 | S02 | F01 | S01 ] 581: Mobile App Development [ S19 | S18 ] 599: Senior Capstone [ F21 | F20 | F19 | F18 | F17 | F16 | F15 | S15 | S14 | S13 ] |